Elevator Sound Guidelines

The National Elevator Industry, Inc. (N.E.I.I.) has established industry performance standard guidelines for equipment airborne sound levels at multiple system locations and operational modes. International Building Code (I.B.C), H.U.D, A.I.A., and others have established standards and guidelines for the architectural design and construction details related to sound ratings of wall and floor/ceiling assemblies to contain… Read More Elevator Sound Guidelines

160 Years Later

Elisha Graves Otis installed the 1st passenger elevator in 1857,  160 years later the most revolutionary advancement in vertical transportation has been introduced – the world’s first rope-free traction elevator. Moving multiple elevator cars in a single shaft, both vertically and horizontally! Its numerous advantages include significantly increased passenger capacity, shorter waiting times, smaller building… Read More 160 Years Later

Can’t see the forest for the trees

A recent project survey highlights a few issues that we often find when we’re called in to provide solutions for elevator equipment sound disturbances. This projects dry to submersible mod project generated noise disturbance complaints from the adjacent residential master suite. Finding a solution to mitigate the disruptive sounds had the property management and elevator… Read More Can’t see the forest for the trees